Suzuki Teacher Training
Click here to enrol for 2021 Certificate III course (closing date 11 March 2021)
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Work with Children Check – to apply click here:
Who Can Be A Suzuki Teacher
STEAA(NSW) Ltd offers teacher training in Piano, Organ, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Recorder, Guitar and Suzuki Early Childhood Education.
Suzuki Teacher training is available to musicians who are over 18 years who have reached an advanced standard of learning and performance in previous instrumental study. Examples include musicians who have studied the higher Suzuki levels, grade 8 standard, undergraduates and existing trained music teachers and professional musicians who are keen to be a part of the Suzuki teaching movement.
Trainees will eventually be able to teach and play the entire Suzuki repertoire of their particular instrument. The Suzuki repertoire is a graded journey covering many learning areas involving advancing technical, musical, tone production, aural, performance and musical knowledge skills.
All applicants must be capable and accomplished musicians who are eager to learn, and to gain knowledge, and eager to experience and excel in teaching children.
Become A Suzuki Teacher
Our teaching is guided by the philosophy and methodology of Dr Suzuki which includes the Mother Tongue approach to education. Please visit our website for further information
Suzuki Teacher Training is part-time, and participants can go at their own pace, but need to follow a set course of modules for each of the 3 levels offered by the STEAA(NSW) Ltd; Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma.
Certificate III, our initial teaching certification, may be attained within 1 year provided all 5 modules have been completed.
Lectures and classes are held on weekends, school holidays or online and mutually agreed days and times with teacher trainers. In addition, further hours of private lessons, online or self-paced learning will also be necessary for completion of the course.
Distance Education is welcome.
A syllabus will be provided to successful applicants once enrolments have been accepted.
STEAA(NSW) Ltd. Suzuki Teacher Training Course, Certificate III
Our initial Suzuki Teacher Training Course, Certificate III, has 5 modules.
Module 1 Philosophy of Suzuki Talent Education
Module 2 Parent Education Methods
Module 3 Pedagogy
Module 4 Supervised Teaching
Module 5 Instrumental Performance Skills
A brief overview: –
Comprehensive study of the Suzuki philosophy and the psychology of teaching. (Module 1)
The role of parent education and interaction with the parent, child, and teacher (Module 2)
Purposeful study of how to demonstrate and teach technical and musical skills to produce a quality musical performance.
Repertoire study. Understanding the teaching of concepts and step by step teaching points for each piece of the repertoire.
Individual and group lesson formats to aid learning and enjoyment. Observation of individual and group lessons by experienced Suzuki teachers.
Child developments lectures. Teaching pre-school age children.
Developing teacher and child’s listening, aural and musical memory skills.
Teaching reading skills and music theory.
Supportive Professional Development involving Australian and International music specialists and related professionals. This can include demonstration lessons, masterclasses, workshops, and conferences to assist and keep teachers, families and students up to date with current developments.
Setting up a music studio.
The knowledge and the practice of all our policies is detailed on our website
Benefits of becoming a Suzuki Teacher and the Benefits for your Suzuki Students
All teachers, families and students become part of the Suzuki community with the belief that all children have ability, every child can succeed irrespective of individual circumstances. Teachers, parents, and students are encouraged to believe that high musical ability can be achieved
Support and encouragement is open to everyone. The aim is to inspire. The Suzuki philosophy provides the base for our teaching.
Parents are involved in the learning process of the child.
All Suzuki students and teachers have the opportunity to attend group lessons, concerts, workshops, tutorials, masterclasses, special award ceremonies and Graduation ceremonies.
Students have the advantage of socializing and performing with other students at STEAA(NSW) Ltd events and similarly teachers benefit by observing and experiencing the content of events.
Solo performance options.
Groups of instruments play together in tutorials, ensembles, orchestras.
Piano students have the advantage of participating in multi piano events.
Being a Suzuki teacher enables you to mix with other teachers both professionally and socially and be a part of the Suzuki community. Our events are a community effort with great experiences, memories, and enjoyment for everyone.
Suzuki accredited teachers have the advantage of being listed on the Suzuki website which will result in many enquiries for lessons without having to advertise independently to find students.