Child-Safe Policy 2019

Child-safe Policy for: Suzuki Talent Education of Australia (NSW) Ltd. Known as STEAA.

INTRODUCTION – Describe the policy intent.
The STEAA Child Safe Policy guides staff, volunteers and students on our strong commitment to child safety and the policy provides an outline of the practices we have developed to keep everyone safe from harm.

SUPPORT CHILDRENS PARTICIPATION – Commitment to child safety
STEAA prioritises the welfare of children in our care. STEAA has a zero tolerance for child abuse. The aim is to create a child safe and friendly environment where everyone feels safe while enjoying being part of a vibrant and nurturing musical community. STEAA values diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices based on either physical or intellectual capabilities or on ethnicity or culture. Embedded in the Suzuki philosophy is the understanding that every child has value and potential.
In addition to general WH&S measures, STEAA proactively conducts risk assessments for all our events to minimise the potential for child abuse or harm.

STEAA encourages children to express their view. STEAA promotes respect, fairness and consideration for all staff, volunteers and students, and we listen to their suggestions, especially on matters that directly affect them. All new staff and volunteers receive a copy of the child-safe Policy and are made aware of STEAA’s Code of Conduct and dealing with complaints process.

Statement: Our organisation will maintain a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening and selection process. We will vet all staff, teachers and volunteers through interviews and completion of the working with children check.

STEAA actively encourages children to express their views. Concerns and issues raised by children, their parents, or carers are listened to and acted upon. STEAA actively seeks feedback after our events, and we make ourselves available to discuss any issues that arise.
STEAA’s safety Contact person to handle complaints is – Tina O’Hagan, Executive Officer. The President and Secretary of STEAA are also appointed Child Safety people whose specific responsibility it is to respond to any complaints made by staff, volunteers, parents or children. All complaints are handled with sensitivity and confidentiality. (See also Reporting a Concern Policy).

STEAA will hold regular information sessions for staff, teachers and volunteers. The Child-safe Policy will be discussed during induction sessions for all new staff or volunteers who come into direct contact with students. Students and parents joining STEAA programs will have access to a copy of this Child-safe Policy as well as STEAA’s Code of Conduct and the Reporting a Concern Policy. Copies of these policies are also included on STEAA’s website.

This policy and guidelines are reviewed every two years incorporating comments and suggestions from children, parents, staff, volunteers and teachers.