Free Informative Talk : Offering Guidance to Potential HSC Music Students
Date | Sunday 24th July, 2016 |
Time | 10:30am - 12:30pm |
Venue | The Centre |
Address | 14 Frances Street, Randwick |
Booking | Email Bookings Only |

by Diana Russell.
Don't Rush ....................Don't Rest
Arears to be covered:
- What courses are offered and what do they mean?
- Course Content
- Teacher/Parent Interviews
- Does your child NEED Music as an HSC subject or not?
- Will your child need to change schools in Year 11?
- When to start working on repertoire
- Do you accelerate or not?
Diana was the Head of Music Department in a Tertiary Institution as well as a Music Consultant for NSW Department of Education and is a Suzuki Piano Teacher Trainer.
Diana is happy to give a talk to interested parents, students and teachers on what would be helpful to know as your child approaches the Senior High School years. Diana stresses that she is not an authority, but the talk is based on 30 years of experience in dealing with HSC candidates (both from private and state schools), in her studio.
Please note: Numbers are limited, so please respond early.