Nakamura 80th Birthday Celebration Concert

Date Saturday 10th September, 2022
Time 4:00pm
Venue Turramurra Uniting Church
Address 10 Turramurra Avenue, Turramurra, NSW 2074
Booking Bookings Closed

The Nakamura’s 80th Birthday Celebration Concert will be a true gathering of the Suzuki community of both past and present students – a wonderful celebration to bring back Suzuki performances after a 2-year hiatus.

This concert is open to all and will celebrate the legacy that is the Nakamura story – A story indelibly stamped in the history of the Suzuki Association in NSW.

Many may have heard of the Legendary Yasuki Nakamura, but never met him or seen him teach as it has been 8 years since he was actively involved.

Yasuki Nakamura was the President of STEAA(NSW)Ltd for 22 years and has guided the Association with profound wisdom steeped in the philosophic teachings of Dr. Suzuki. From his private studio have come hundreds of Students who have graduated the final Suzuki level in violin. Many of his students are now Suzuki teachers and many have gone on to become professional performers, taking their place in some of the world’s finest philharmonic and chamber Orchestras including the major Australian professional orchestras.

This very special concert will feature Suzuki Alumni, Teachers, the Nakamura children, and grandchildren, as well as group items featuring many current students.

Save the date in your diary and check back soon for information on purchasing tickets to attend and to perform.

We look forward to finally having the wider Suzuki community in one place as we come together to enjoy this Celebration Concert.

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