August Piano Event for All Piano Students
Date | Sunday 23rd August, 2015 |
Time | AM or PM sessions (exact start time per student will be advise to your teacher on Monday, 17th August) |
Venue | Suzuki Music Institute |
Address | Unit 1/1 Central Avenue, Thornleigh, NSW 2010. |
Booking | Email Bookings Only |

This Piano Event is for all piano students from beginners to post repertoire level.
Performing is a wonderful experience for children and especially for graduating students they can use this as practice session leading up to the Graduation Concert.
Individual students may participate in Option A, Option B or Option C.
Teachers are encouraged to submit all three application forms so that all students can participate.
As an indication and easier for us to do the timetabling, please indicate your preferred session:-
Morning = am or Afternoon = pm on the form/s.
If sufficient advanced and post repertoire students apply we will endeavor to put them in their own seniors concert.
Concert and Tutorial duration 45 - 60 minutes each. Twinkle Workshop duration 45 - 60 minutes.
OPTION A: Workshop (tutorial) & Concert:
One Tutorial and one Concert performance per participant. Suitable for ALL STUDENTS of all ages, all levels, from Au Clair de la Lune RH to post repertoire.
OPTION B: Concert Performance Experience Only:
One Concert performance per participant. Suitable for students from Au Clair de la Lune RH to post repertoire. Students will have a concert performance experience only (no tutorial). Maximum of 5 minutes for the concert pieces.
OPTION C: Twinkle Workshop (tutorial):
One Twinkle Workshop per participant. Suitable for students from pre-twinkle up to Go Tell Aunt Rhody RH only in Book 1.
Participation Fee: Option A - $42.00 per participant; Option B - $30 per participant and Option C - $28 per participant
There will be no refunds for this event.
Enrolment Information/Conditions:
- Enrolments for this event must be done through your Suzuki Piano Teacher.
- Places for this workshop are strictly limited.
- Students will need to be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
- Once applications have been received, no cancellation refunds or changes to concert or tutorial pieces will be allowed.
- Only emailed application forms will be accepted and are to be received by the Suzuki Office ( by midnight, WEDNESDAY 12th August 2015.
- Applications will only be processed once payment is received by Suzuki Office.
- Late enrolments will incur a $10 late fee per student.
- Families must be current 2015-2016 financial members of STEAA (NSW) Ltd to attend. Membership fees can be paid online.
- STEAA (NSW) Ltd reserves the right to make any alterations including tutors should the need arise.
- Parents have read and accept all the above conditions including our Risk Warning, Medical Procedures, No Nuts Policy & Consent documents as attached here.
Teachers: Please encourage all your students to apply. Please nominate a concert piece that your student can play confidently and accurately.
We will need Teacher's assistance on the day. Please advise if you can help.
Further information including registration process:
Information for Parents & Teacher
Application Forms (for Teachers Only) - you may use all 3 forms if necessary
Option A - Workshop and Concert
Option B - Concert Performance Only