Teacher’s Training – Cert III Practical Teaching Day

Date Sunday 22nd February, 2015
Time 9:00am - 4:00pm
Venue Suzuki Music Institute
Address Unit 1/1 Central Avenue, Thornleigh, NSW 2010.
Booking Bookings Closed

Cert III Practical Teaching Day is for Violin or Piano teachers who enrolled in Cert III in January 2015 or for any teachers who need more opportunity to observe lessons. The children taught will be in Books 1 - 3. There will be a group class for Book 2 students as part of the training in which teachers can play and assist with the class. This is an essential part of the Course in instrumental pedagogy and runs from 9 - 4pm at the Suzuki Music Institute. Cost $50.


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Please note:- Suzuki Office reserves the right to make any alterations should the need arise.

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