Enrolment – Email Version
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Please make sure you have all the fields (in blue) copied onto your email.
Enrolment for Piano Twinkle Workshop
Date: Sunday, 18 June 2017
Membership No: (you must be a member to attend this event and it is important that you give us your correct number)
Session: AM or PM (please choose one, but requests cannot be guaranteed)
Child/Children’s Name:
Child/Children’s Age:
Current Piece:
Can your child play the current piece with both hands/ right hand only / left hand only:
Parent’s Name:
Parent’s Phone No:
Email Address:
Teacher’s Name:
Notes/Special Requirements:
Transaction No: (please see instruction below on how to make payment online)
Amount Paid:
Date Paid:
How to Make A Payment online:-
Click Make A Payment here, fill in the details and in the Payment Information drop box pick Event Payment and in the “More Details About Your Payment” box, please specify it is for Twinkle WShop 18/6 and your child’s name. Once your payment has gone through you will receive an email with your transaction number. Please make sure you note that transaction number.